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To get started eating a plant based diet it can be as simple as just making one more side dish than usual and its a good idea to include a salad with dinner. Remember: Green leafy vegetables are some of the healthiest foods available.


CHILI - and gluten free Cornbread

Vegetable Rattatouille - bake for 40 min (2:19 video)

Sweet Potato Lentil Stew - very healthy recipe!

THE BLACK BEAN BURGER - Make this with all the good burger fixins like wheat buns, pickles, mustard, ketsup, tomato, onion, lettuce, ...whatever you like.

PORTABELLO BARBEQUE (Sloppy Joe) - Great over toast, english muffin or in a bun or try it over lightly grilled pinnapple!

ASPARAGAS PASTA - Easy, Quick meal.

TACOS - A healthy, low oil, version using tempeh as meat filling

TOSTADAS - Our version of a mexican classic - pretty easy

No Huevos Rancheros - Breakfast/brnnch favorite similar to tostadas.

Lentil-Cauliflower Indian dish

Lasagna - spinach & mushroom

Mac & Cheeze Baked - Claudia's way

MAC & CHEEZE BAKED  - Rich’s way

Mayan harvest bake - a sweet potatoe and plantain dish - precook 2c black beans.

Rasta Pasta - a tomato/pasta stew - add any veggies you like

Wild Rice meal with Waldorf salad and raw peach cobler

Spaggetti - always easy, take the time you save and make a good size greens salad to go with it. Get a non-meat based sauce in a jar. look at the sodium level and try to find one that has less than 350mg per ½ cup serving). You can add chopped saute'd mushrooms, peppers, onions, zuccinni, olives to the sauce to make it go further and be even healthier. Use whole wheat pasta or better yet gluten free pasta.


SALADS - You just won't believe how interesting SALADS can be and as a vegan you should make some effort to learn about the variety of salad types you can make. Some of my favorites are Mediteranian Salad with Greens, avocado, olives, garlic, fennel, tomatoes, fresh basil and the MEXICAN Salad with Greens, cilantro, tomatoes, peppers, garlic hummus, avocado, salsa, cumin, and a splash of Garlic Vinagrette dressing and lime juice. Salads can be made using fruits like mango, kiwi, berrys, lime, lemon, pears, nuts, seeds and even grow your own sprouts. Look to the "Advanced" section to get salad ideas like WALDORF (apples & walnut). Since almost all salads are raw we list them on the Raw Recipe page

Dressing of the month: Avocado Cream - This is so good:

Creamy Avocado Dressing Makes about 18 ounces of dressing

  • 1 large (or 2 small) ripe avocado
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 handful fresh cilantro
  • 1 jalapeño, stem and seeds removed
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • juice from 1 lime
  • 1 tbs honey (maple syrup or agave would work too to make it vegan)
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water (you may want more if you want it thinner)

Add all of the ingredients to a blender or food processor and blend until creamy. You can add more water for a thinner consistency, if you would like. I like to let it sit a bit in the fridge before eating, the flavors really come together.

Store in an air tight container or jar in the fridge. Keeps for about 5 days. 




WEBSITES and Online Cooking Videos:

Rich's Online Colection of Vegan Recipes (581) (most untested/unedited by me)

ECO VEGAN GAL = Some nice videos and recipes

Try going to and search for vegan recipe


Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
because thou has rejected knowledge…

1 Cor 6:19
Our bodies are the temple of God. Gods spirit dwells within.

 Romans 12:2
Renewing Your Mind  ”And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of the mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Disclaimer: Information on this website and on materials and or presentations should not be taken as medical advise. Before making any changes to diet or exercise habits you should always consult a qualified health professional.

Clergy Health Council is a Cincinnati, OH based all volunteer
nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of all people.

Copyright Clergy Health Council 2010-2011 All rights reserved
For more information contact the webmaster: Rich